Vehicle Tracking & Monitoring

Telematics is a multi-billion dollar industry connecting automotive technology and the internet. We are fortunate to be part of the telematics industry. We are designing IoT based telematics hardware and software systems for our Customers in Europe. Our design incorporates most essential features in both automotive and IoT industry. The automotive technologies we use in […]
Air Quality Monitor
We designed a IoT enabled hardware to monitors the quality of air in urban areas. This product is designed for a private customer of ours. This device monitors the presence of gases like CO, SO2 and NOx which affects the air quality. The measured air quality data is then pump the data to cloud.
Farmland Automation System

The agricultural sector largely relies on 20th century technology to manage farmlands which potentially leads to millions of dollars in wastage of resources. The idea behind building farmland automation system is to make agriculture of the future as automated as possible. We have designed IoT based farmland automation system to understand the different factors affecting […]